Valentine's Day is celebrate across the world on 14th of February, it's the day when two intimate cohort expressed their love and warmth for each other while by presenting flowers, share feelings for each other by greeting cards and touch the soul of the man by gift some tasty chocolates. It's the day which is still a point of ponder for the historian to mapped out to masses for its exact origin. Until now there are many speculations about its existence and the history is full of controversies surrounding this each year commemoration day.

The Valentine's Day celebrations are held in the commemoration of both Roman and Christian tradition. From history archive the day mapped to horizon from roman festival of Lupercalis predominant on 15 February but in 496 A.D Pope Gelasius transformed this roman festival to Christian Remembrance Day predominant one day earlier then roman designated date in the loving memory of St. Valentines, who was martyred on 14th of February.
The twist in the tale pop out by history archive is that on the same day 14th of February at least three Christian saints were martyred, one of them was a bishop in Terni; other two were bishops in Rome and Africa. Many believes that they day is predominant to honor the services of Bishop St. Valentine in Rome, the event started by definite marriage policies implemented by Claudius Ii, the Roman empire was on the verge of the breakdown when Claudius Ii took over as their consummate leader, before tighten up the state defense measures, as more and more soldiers are required to guard the state and protect it from intruders across the neighbors, Claudius Ii felt that young men and lads in the army are inclined to their house once they are married, so Claudius Ii declared no young lad in the empire will married to any women while his position as a soldier of the state.

This harsh convention was alarming state for the Romans but no one has courage to rise against the emperor but this merciless exercise forces St. Valentine to speak for the betterment of society and pulled out this cruel act from the state by organizing private marriages of these soldiers in his temple, this private act of St. Valentine made him a communal form and raises inquire over Claudius Ii authority, which captivate St. Valentine for the rest of his life and martyred him on the 14th of February.
Valentine day is predominant across the globe, people from different walk of life, believing in different faiths, belonging to different races honor St Valentine sacrifice by avow their love for their spouse and intimate companions, In Us and western countries the day is predominant as a national holiday. Greeting cards and flowers is the most shared gift between the lovers on this day and sources form out that it's the second most greeting card selling festival after Christmas and 60% of the gifts of Valentine's Day are purchased by women.
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