Men are always struggling with new gift ideas to help make them a hero for at least the week. This Valentine's Day, that could be you. Though the following idea is simple, you wife/girlfriend will practically be guaranteed to love it.

I am not going to suggest you make anyone or even buy anyone crazy that looks like you hired person else to buy it for you. In fact, all I am going to suggest for you to buy is Jewelry, but the trick is manufacture it personal. Every woman loves knowing that the man she is dating/married to knows her preferences. If he knows her likes he is showing that he is paying concentration to her. (This may be a novel conception to some, but it is absolutely a useful one to know about.) The customized Jewelry/gift idea comes from a bangle I saw years ago.
I came across the most romantic piece of Jewelry I had ever seen in an old store in Estes Park, Colorado. It was a beautiful, but uncomplicated charm bangle that was over 80 years old. The customary owner of the bangle was a gentleman who needed an anniversary gift for his young wife of only one year. He decided to work with a local jeweler to come up with a "month-a-versary" bracelet. He went through each month of their one year marriage and recalled one singular important event, and then designed a charm with the jeweler to match the event. For example, one charm on the bangle was a dog in a doghouse - obviously not the best month for the husband. Another charm was a delicate envelop that opened with a tiny, gold letter that pulled out and said, "I love you" on it. This month was probably when he wrote a important love letter. Over all the bangle was delicate and beautiful, but more important, it was completely personal.

Now, I am not recommending for every man to head out to his nearest jeweler and create his own bracelet, but the conception can in fact be duplicated. There are many ways add a uncomplicated touch to jewelry that makes it unique and personal. When I am manufacture jewelry it is rarely ever ended until I add one uncomplicated item to make it catch a buyer's eye. The finishing touch is a simple, sterling silver charm with a shape or carved picture on it, but that is what makes a woman drawn to that singular bracelet. For clarification, many women have a "signature" shape. I have a dear friend that loves stars, and she is always seeing for the perfect accessory with a star somewhere in it. I personally have always been obsessed with hearts, and practically every item of jewelry I own has a heart on it somewhere. Men, if you pay concentration to your important other, you may consideration she is particularly drawn to dolphins, angels, or even acorns. (Sounds strange I know, but it is true.) besides shapes, women often a have popular color or season. My mother's Home is designed colse to fall colors so she is always reminded of that season when she is at Home. I also know women who have only one color that they use in their wardrobe, decorating, cars, etc. For example, all my grandmother owns from her dishes to her earrings are blue. My grandfather loved her blue eyes, and that was his popular color she wore, so it became the only color in her life.
Another idea is to think of something memorable the two of you have done together. For example, the two of you may have gone on a vacation in the past year. Find a piece of jewelry that could recount that vacation. Many items of jewelry depict a theme from a singular country or region. A lot of the jewelry I work with results in seashore motifs, which would be perfect if you had been on a tropical vacation that year.
So, gentlemen, you do not have to in fact do too much work. Simply look through your wife's/girlfriend's popular things, pictures, Magazines, Books, etc. And find what she loves. Focus in on one uncomplicated item that she particularly is attached to and take the idea to a jewelry website. There are plenty of websites that will customize a beaded bangle with a uncomplicated added charm for decent prices. Who knows, you may visit some of these websites and already have a bangle made that would be perfect for the woman in your life. Then, when you give her the gift you can Simply say, "I know how much you loved the ocean, so I found this bangle with a seahorse charm on it to remind you." Bingo, you are instantly out of the doghouse for the several weeks.
Looking through the cell phone charms and bracelets in singular may help you think of ideas that would be perfect to use. If there is something you do have in mind, feel free to touch us, and would be more than happy to generate a institution piece for you.
Good luck with your quest, and hopefully it will help you think a itsybitsy on your creative side without burning too many brain cells in the process.
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