Often in groups of people connecting with their creativity together friendships are speedily formed. Other times, it takes any weeks. Spending time with creative people ready to study new options, I get to study the richness that comes alive as we get to know each other in this supportive context. Friendships and creativity increasing together. Research shows that people with friends live longer and happier lives. Since it's been established that friendship is indeed good for your heart and since this note is being written while Valentine's week, hearts are all colse to (along with the media campaign for wholesome heart fitness). Your creativity expands with support. Either you are studying Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way in a group or on your own, if you're feeling short on friends, consider some of the questions below.

Is it time to join together with a friend with whom you've lost touch? Do you spend time with a friend at least twice a month? Are you uplifted after time with your friend? Do you have a friend who needs your withhold right now? When you're feeling down, do you have a friend to call? When you're feeling joyous, do you have friends with whom to celebrate? Are your friendships supporting the heart wholesome fitness that we now know is logical? How many friends do you have who share your interest in creativity or creative adventures?
As you read these questions, you get a clearer photo of what performance is next. Friendship is worth scheduling and production time to nourish; so is creativity. While within a friendship, it can be uncomfy sometimes, it's also true that within a wholesome one, you get to be both your best and your not so frightful self and your friend supports you. It's leading to have a 'safe other' with whom to share your creative bursts of enthusiasm; one who encourages you. consider the following zaps to by comparison Either your friendship status could use support:

I'm ready to mend a fence with one special friend or decide to let it go 3 things that I can do differently to enhance a friendship that matters to me In withhold of my creativity, I can count on these people:
In conclusion, I'm thrilled to share one of the reminders that has been so so meaningful to me:
"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with an additional one human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled our inner light." ~ a paraphrase from brilliant Albert Schweitzer
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