As that extra day starts creeping up and you start freaking out, prices are being hiked up, flowers are sold out and chocolates seem to be everyone's popular buy at the moment. Sounds like valentine's doesn't it? Well you got that right, its Valentine's Day once again and women all over and complaining about how hard it is to shop for their man. If you're stuck in the gutter for an idea, here are a few ideas you could work with.

Hit the technology racks and get to know about the most recent gadgets; we all know men love their shades and music, well with the mp3 sunglasses, you get two in one item! Amazing, isn't it? It's a pair of good Uv protected shades that comes with a built in memory that lets you listen to your popular tracks on sunny days with the ear piece that is connected to it. If your man is big on music, this would be a exquisite gift for him.
If he's musically inclined and strums good tunes while serenading you over the phone, why not replace his old guitar with a new one? It doesn't have to be fancy and expensive, just a quarterly one would do. If not a guitar, a keyboard, drum set or maybe a trumpet? Music brings the world together, so get musical!

Besides that, nothing says 'I love you' than memories captured and icy in place. So pick out your popular photograph of the two of you and have it digital and made into a calendar, book mark, jigsaw puzzle, magnet, key chain or whatever that would be most convenient for him. With modern technology, you can pretty much do whatever at a photo shop.
Also, if your man has had a long week, month or even year before him and you think he could do with a good relaxing, why not go for a merge massage? He would be able to lose all that tension from his muscles while spending time with you as well.
Furthermore, if you want to keep things quite and more intimate, forget getting him something off the shelves, why not pull ingredients out and cook him his popular food for dinner or your specialty accompanied by dim lights and maybe a few candles as well? Throw in a dinky jazz music and a movie for after and you're all set to go. Don't forget sweetmeat of course. If you're not a scholar in the kitchen, don't worry, crusade the internet and look for easy recipes to follow.