Valentines Day can be a stressful day for men. So many disappointed women covering on this day. Many women have these expectations of flowers and candy and men feel the pressure to meet these expectations. Many a man will postpone dating a new woman until this holiday is over. It's the women in his past that often cause this stress. The woman he couldn't seem to make happy. So what do guys want on Valentines day? What would make a man happy on Valentines Day?

The first thing I can point out to you is this. Men are happiest when they are manufacture you happy. You can give gifts til the cows come Home and it won't influence his happiness in the least. For the most part, women are the ones who love flowers and gifts, not men. It's women who call one someone else and tell their girlfriends what they got or complain about what they didn't get. Men just don't do this. It's not high on their priority list. If you would love a nice extravagant gift don't assume he would also.
The very best gift you can give him is enthusiastic appreciation of what he gives to you. This makes a man feel like the hero. Men are very happy in the hero role. Think of all the microscopic boys that put towels on their shoulders jumping off Furniture pretending to be Super Man, Spider Man or some other action hero. They thrive like this. Hug him, kiss him, tell him thank you and that you can't wait to tell your girlfriends what you got. Post a photo of your flowers on Facebook.

I polled a lot of men and asked them what do men want for Valentines Day. Most of them said a card was enough. A large division of the guys polled said they felt uncomfortable with precious gifts. If they didn't give you a precious gift in return, the pain is ten fold. You can tell him you did it because you wanted to but it won't of course make him feel good about it. It can make him feel inadequate to be honest.
Instead of stressing out over what to get him for Valentines Day, I propose you record to your bathroom mirror. Look into the mirror and practice saying thank you and I appreciate you. Kiss yourself! Smile! Now after you have practiced go do this to your man. What do guys want for Valentines Day and every day of the year is appreciation and to make you happy. This is what makes men happy, to be appreciated.
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